Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yes, Yes, Yes ... The AWESOME Stretch

Truly, I did not want to do ANYTHING ... but for some reason, I put in the STRETCH dvd late this evening.  So glad I did!  Wow ... I feel so GOOD !!!!

I stretched, grunted, pulled, stretched and grunted some more.  I feel so RELAXED right now.  So glad I went ahead and did the damn thing.  For some reason, I didn't realize I was as STIFF in some area.  But once I got into the routine, you could not tell me NUTTIN'.  I shocked myself that I was actually able to do most of the poses, without too much strain. 

I patted myself on the back a few times.  Some of the stetches were already incorporated into my routine, when I was in the gym.  So it was no surprise, when I was able to contort my body into a pretzel.  Now the chick on the dvd (( that girl is BAD )) ... I will NOT BE PLEASED till I get as FLEXIBLE as she is ... she has to be a gymnast or something (( LOL )).

It is WELL past my bedtime and I'm not even hungry (( by 9:30 PM I'd have to be in the bed .. to especially stop the SNACK ATTACK )).  Catch ya'll in the morning!!!

WTH - Supposed To Be Relaxing Today!

I'm in a CLEANING FRENZY.  My body feels like it is geared up to do another day of exercising.  I'm tyring to CHILL OUT, but I've been on the go since 8 AM.

Maybe it's the weather ... it is a BRIGHT SUNNY day.  Not sure how WARM it is (( I do need to go fill up the bird feeder )) ... but I have the blinds open and I'm actually starting to see some leaves blooming and my ALLERGIES ... awwcchheeww!!

Everyone knows that I LOVE TO PLAY IN THE DIRT ... I cannot wait for summertime.  My best exercise is out CUTTING the YARD ... yep, I cut the yard.  Although we have a riding lawnmower, I get out there cutting the front, side and back and it is not 1/4 of an acre (( more like ONE ACRE )).  Then I edge and blow the yard/clippings/leaves.  I am SOAKED with sweat when I get done.  I've lost up to TWO POUNDS just by doing this routine.  Does hubby have a PROBLEM with ... heckies no.  He loves it!

I keep saying I'm going to the gym to sit in the HOT SAUNA ... I really need to ... but I just washed my hair last night and the heat will just SWEAT it out again.  I'll be walking around like Angela Davis.

Okay, hubby is telling me to get offline and come watch a movie with him.  Told him if he rubs my back and shoulders, he has a deal.  Guess I'll talk to ya'll later huh?  HA

Saturday, January 30, 2010

WOW - Kenpo Was SO FUN !!

Why you ask?  Cuz I was able to KEEP up.  I was so PROUD again.  I didn't do ABS yesterday ... was truly not feeling it ... so I did them this evening.  Figured since I have an OFF DAY tomorrow, I should be okay.  ((( hopefully )))

Guess what I did.  I put my MP3 player on and did the abs while watching and listening to my music.  Talk about making it EASIER!  I was GETTING IT!  LOL

My abs are getting HELLA STRONG ... still having a few neck strain problems, but I've learned to stop and regroup before I pull something.

Heading to store tomorrow to check out some heavier bands ... love them!

Legs | Back -- No Ab Ripper

Waited till after 7 PM to do this session ... never again.  My mind was not really into it, but I was surprised that I was able to keep up my form.  There were moments that I wanted to give up ... I put my mind in another place and just continued.

I mainly used the bands instead of doing the PULLUPS.  My upper back is muscular already, so I'm cutting down on anything that will MAKE MORE MUSCLE.  I did more reps, with much lighter weight.  I used the weights while doing the squats .... AWESOME.

Trying to build up the strength in my left ankle ( tendon tear years ago ) ... it's still only about 75-80%.  Once again, I tried not to get too PISSED that I was stumbling and tripping up.  Just did what I could and got back on point.

Skipped the AB Ripper until Saturday (( with the Kenpo )).  Very impressed with my strength and coordination gain(s) so far ... no complaints!!!


I did the YOGA .... okay at least 90% of it.  The poses that mainly used my shoulders, I backed off of them.  OUCH!
But I must admit, I am able to do MORE poses.  Now that one with me crouching and reaching my arms under my thigh and behind my back ... not quite yet.  LOL

Since I didn't feel I got a FULL WORKOUT, I did get on the treadmill at a speed of  2.5 to 2.8 for 20 minutes.  For some reason, I felt like doing ALOT of snacking.  Made myself drink PLENTY of WATER and I went to bed early.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Need To Get Off My ASSets!

Trying to talk myself into doing this yoga dvd.  I just sweep up some kukkabubs ( brown spiral balls in the yard ); trust it was a workout.  Should I just hope on my treadmill .... NAW!!!  I must, I must ... get into this YOGA routine.  Come on ... I can do it!

Let me go ahead and get my ASSets in motion ... I really feel like RAIDING the frig right now!

Hungry or Starving

Just read a post from FormerFatGirl and I had to ask this question?

Are you HUNGRY or do you feel like you are STARVING?  I've worked around plenty of missions and shelters ... I've seen many things.  Remember when I told you about my dog having surgery.  She did not eat for three days.  On the fourth day she ate, but no where near the amount she normally consumes.  Then she didn't eat for another two days ... just drank water constantly.  Took here to the vet ... she had her uterus removed and they had to FORCE FEED her after surgery. 

She normally weighs between 55-60 pounds ... she had dropped 4 pounds in one week.  That may not seem like ALOT ... but she was 57 pounds six months prior.  That's like a 240 pound man, losing 16 pounds in a week.  Her body was going into STARVATION mode ... I could actually feel her ribs and hipbone.

Hungry is when your stomach sends a signal to the brain, that it's empty and needs some substance.
Starving is when your stomach sends a signal to the brain, that I'm DYING and start breaking down muscle so that I can survive (organs too when need be).

STARVATION kicks in usually after all the FAT SUPPLIES are gone ... so think of it this way.  Are you really STARVING ... are you really HUNGRY?

I'm sure there are PLENTY of people in your own city, that would PREFER to be HUNGRY ((the way that we describe it)).  Hungry is when they don't know WHERE your next meal is coming from ... hungry for me is WHEN is my next meal.

Just a lil FOOD for THOUGHT!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Second Round of SHOULDERS, ARMS, ABS -- OUCH

I used the bands instead of the weights today.  OMG ... talk about a different type of burn.  I absolutely LOVED it.  A lil burned out while attempting to do the BONUS ROUND, but I completed it.

Sore, but not the same type of SORE.  More like a "nagging" THROB all over my body ... LOL
Surprised that my legs are not as sore ... but I am not complaining ... nope, no I'm not. 

I was thrown off a bit this afternoon ... didn't have anything READILY AVAILABLE to eat.  Should've just ate some peanut butter and called it a day, but I boiled a beef kosher (( think that's what it is called )).  I
ate one slice of wheat bread with it, so hopefully that doesn't throw me off point.   I try not to eat past 6 pm at the LATEST ... I ate around 7:15 pm ... just hope my workout was STILL BURNING some calories.

Kinda tired and actually I'm ready to go to bed RIGHT NOW.  I'm up most days around 4:30 / 5:00 am,
so I'm IN THE BED no later than 9:30 pm.  I MUST get no less than 7 hours of sleep ... I do my best with 8 though.  I will work my way back up to EIGHT ... plus the earlier you go to bed before 12 midnight, the more weight you lose -- your body is RECOUPING MORE between those hours before midnight.

Until tomorrow .....

BRAGGING Rights .....

I have been SINGING the BLUES, from the way I have been feeling.  Spoke to a couple folk I know from the gym .... told them I just started.  Both were guys and they could not believe that a WOMAN was actually happy to start P90X (go figure).

Actually I am looking forward to today .... I just ate lunch, so I need to wait at least an hour before hitting it.  I think I do better working out in the MORNING ... after eating LUNCH I really don't feel like doing anything (( but taking a nap )). LOL

Hubby just asked, "What's the MENU for the SUPERBOWL?"  HUH ... Ummm I thought the SUPERBOWL was at someone ELSES house this year?  Did I miss something?  Not going there
right now ... breath MeMe .... breath.

I cannot WAIT for it to warm up -- so looking forward to walking outside AGAIN.  There's a list of things I want to do.  Think that will be my NEXT POST.

Oh yeh ... I lost ANOTHER WHOLE POUND.  (( WOW )).  I know it's from the exercise, but also I'm not eating after 5/6 PM anymore.  I didn't have a SNACK ATTACK last night, plus I got 7.40 hours of much needed SLEEP.  I'm back on course drinking my water (( cheating a lil with Crystal Lite - 5 calories )).

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Mental, MENTAL .... all MENTAL.  I will not lie.  Stopped the dvd a couple times to catch my breath.  My form was getting VERY SLOPPY ... so I got back on point and went for FORM over REPS.

Anything ABOVE MY HEAD, really got to me today.  I MUST get a HEART MONITOR.  I check my pulse using the wrist method, but when you can't HARDLY BREATH ... well not so sure it's a good ideal.

All in all, I got through it.  Gotta admit ... with hubby walking back and forth behind me, I put on my BRING IT FACE!!  At first I thought that would get on my LAST NERVE ... but he actually helped me this time!  Just don't want that to be a HABIT! 

Did I say I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to WEEK THREE .... I know when I get through this week, the THIRD WEEK will be better.  IT HAS GOT TO BE!  Then I can bring it DOWN a bit ... to just RECOUP.

Hell, let me BRAG a bit.  If I can do this at FIFTY YEARS OLD, I don't want to hear NOTHING from anyone YOUNGER.  LOL

SORE .... once again!

I'm paying for PUSHING it yesterday ... but that's okay!  I really need to go to the gym and sit in the dry SAUNA.  I truly miss SWEATING it out ... bypassing the STEAMROOM and the JACUZZI for awhile.

I do better working out in the morning, but I'm just now getting a break today.  Just ate a wonderful salad, so as soon as it DIGESTS, I'm off to do PLYOMETRICS.  I can tell MONDAY will be my most INTENSE day (( well at least for the days that I do CHEST and BACK )).  I cannot WAIT to get through this week ... sure I won't be so SORE and the fourth week should be MUCH EASIER.

Enough COMPLAINING .... had to run off some more workout spreadsheets ... noticed I did not transfer my reps to the right sheet.  Sheeeshhhh ....


Monday, January 25, 2010

Am I Doing The WRONG P90X?

My girlfriend just told me there are THREE P90X series.  Classic, Lean and Doubles.  Well I knew about the Classic and Doubles, but how did I miss the LEAN? 

Regardless, I will continue doing the CLASSIC.  I'm really not trying to LOSE anymore weight, just firm up and gain some strength (( yeh baby )).  I was sooooooooooo proud of myself today.  I added between one to five reps with each exercise, including my AB Ripper.  My form usually BOTTOMS OUT, when I get to the last TWO exercises.  I was able to keep up and my form .... may I say, "WAS OUTSTANDING!"

I made sure to breath through each exercise (sometimes I tend to HOLD it).  As crazy as it may sound, I'm DIGGING the PAIN.  It's no where near the way I felt last Monday.  It's just a dull PAIN, that let's me know that my BODY is ALIVE!  Those that have started this journey know what I'm speaking of.

Can I say, "I BRUNG IT !!!"

Round TWO - Chest | Back - Getting STRONGER !!

Yippee!! Just finished my SECOND ROUND of Chest and Back!  I actually am STRONGER.  Made sure that I did at least a few more reps, with each exercise.  Gotta say my form was so much better.  Can I pat myself on the back?  No really ... can I?  Isn't the picture IRONIC.  Not to say that I could be as BRAVE as the chick on the LEFT ... well actually not on the RIGHT either.  But I'm not about to hate on her ... I'm sure one is by choice and the other isn't.  Ya think?  But it does give you something to think about right?  WHICH PHOTO ARE YOU?
I still got a LIL LIGHT-HEADED towards the end.  But I'm sure that's from all the PUSHUPS ... especially the DECLINE one.  I got up WAY TOO FAST and had to catch myself.  Just paused the dvd for a moment, until I got my bearings right.  I kept up ... LOVED it and HATED it at the same time. 

Well I am really looking so FORWARD to LUNCH ... please oh please let me be a GOOD GIRL.  Why am I craving a GRAPEFRUIT?

Have You Ever DETOXED?

I've been scanning the WWW (Blogspot), reading up on different posts. Has anyone started their weight loss with a DETOX?

I'm not here to give anyone BIG UPS, but I've had wonderful results with a product called "CKLS".  This product is ALL NATURAL and stands for Colon, Kidney, Liver, Spleen.  I'm AMAZED at how many people that have NEVER DETOXED.  I think I'm more AMAZED at those that DON'T do the #2 at least two to three times a day. 

It makes no difference that you change your diet and you still DON'T DEFECATE it out of you body.  There can be up to 20 pounds of undigested waste, just sitting in your colon.  When I did my first DETOX in June of 2008, I lost 9.8 pounds the first week.  Yes, I understand half of that was probably water weight, but the TOILET did not lie.   It was AMAZING how flat my lower pouch was AFTER the first week.

I DETOX every six months now ... the first two times with EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), the last time just with the pills and a three day veggie/fruit diet.  The biggest thing is to drink up to a GALLON of water a day, which for some seems like alot.  BUT, your muscle has 70% water .... so go figure.

There are PLENTY of products for DETOXING ... "The Master Cleanse" and all type of others.  I went with a product, where I saw results from some friends.  With this particular DETOX, you get to eat fruits and vegetables for as long as you DETOX (( up to two weeks, but I only went SEVEN DAYS the first time )).

A LIQUID DETOX (( especially for those that have NEVER DETOXED )) is probably one of the hardest things to do.  So I'm just CURIOUS .... Have you EVER DETOXED?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Finally, finally, yippie, yeh, yes!  A workout that I could keep up with and I completed it breathing normally (( well, more like a 300 pound NFL guard )) ... but I hung in there!!!

Am I telling on myself; what is it about throwing punches and elbows, that turned me on so?  Man that took me back to the playground on the East Side.  Oooppsss, I'm back.

My rhythm was a bit off, with the combination punches.  WTH was up with that .... I can dance my @ssets off.  But for some reason that JAB, SWIPE, UPPER CUT, KICK, BLOCK whatever combination, made me LMAO.  I was so outta sync .... but I hung in there.

Now my GLUTEUS MAXIMUS feels like I have no MEAT on it.  I know there is a nice amount of padding still there ... but why do I feel like I'm sitting on BONE.  The PAIN has subsided in my chest, arm and back ... my hams and quads feel tight, but they are not hurting (( as of yet ... stay tuned )). 

Tomorrow is either a REST or STRETCH day .... I'll probably put the STRETCH dvd in ... sure I'll bypass the PLANK poses, but I will do the others to stay flexible.  Actually I was impressed that I was able to put my foot under leg, without cramping.  I'm taking FULL ADVANTAGE of my OFF DAY ... cuz Monday will be BACK with a VENGENCE.

** I will be visiting the PUSHUP page, that I viewed from one of the folk I'm following **

My Backyard Deer - Always Make Me Smile

As I sit here reading other "Weight Loss" journals, I look up and see three deer (( females )), right outside my window.  I'm in my office, which faces the woods.  There is a pond/lake in my backyard, so I have all type of wildlife back there (( gotta tell you about the hawk on day - BAD HAWK )).  They are under my bird feeder, eating the seeds that have fallen to the ground.

They are about 15 feet away from me.  I'm trying to be VERY STILL, while reaching for the camera to take a picture.  Just decided not too, because the flash will probably scare them.

It still amazes me, that ANYONE could shot one of these beautiful creatures, just to put their head on a wall.

(( this was a picture taken back in August of last year ))

My ABS Are Getting Stronger -- I'm Getting SORER!

I decided to do the AB Ripper last night; much stronger and alot better form.  I kept looking at the reps that I completed on Monday and Wednesday.  In my head, adding at least ONE or TWO more reps was a given.

The toughest AB sequence is the V-UP ROLLUPS ... if they were at the beginning of the workout, oh my I would be so much better.  I'm was only able to do FIVE, without using other parts of my BODY.  I'm finally up to NINE; talk about DIGGING DIP.

I was able to increase my repititions for all but THREE ab exercises.  I was unable to increase my reps with:
  • Cross-Wide Leg Situps
  • Fifer Scissors
  • Pulse Ups-Heels To Heaven
I increased my reps from Monday to Wednesday, but not on Friday (stayed the same).  So I'm not beating up on myself, however, I plan on increasing my reps over the next week, in my WEAKER AREAS.

My weight has fluctuated by 3-4 pounds all week; but I will NOT go by the scale.  I can already see the difference in my ARMS (my triceps especially) and my ABS have slimmed down right by the POUCH (my ladies understand this).

All in all ... I'm a HAPPY CAMPER .... I'm off to watch the KENPO video and get some breakfast.
Got a late start (able to sleep in).


Friday, January 22, 2010

Yippee - Finally A DVD I Could FINISH !!!!

I am so proud of myself!  I actually FINISHED the LEG | BACK dvd without pausing (although I was a lil behind on a few routines).  Before I knew it, I was instructed to start stretching.  Maybe I was in what they call, "THE ZONE".   My breathing was on point and I didn't SWEAT perspire as much as I thought I would (although I did have on a bandana and my hair was braided back towards my neck).  This time I was SMART; I did not let my EGO in the way. When it stated it was NOT NECESSARY to use the weight, I LISTENED and didn't use the weights.  I was surprised how fast the workout went.

I would say that the HARDEST portion was:

  • The WALL SQUATS with two legs
  • The WALL SQUATS with one leg
  • The SNEAKY whatever they called it
  • The GROUCHO walk
I still have the AB Ripper to do later this evening.  I've decided that it's not in my best interest, to do anything that puts to much STRESS around my neck and shoulders.  I used the CABLES for the BACK exercises, so hopefully I will not be TOO SORE tomorrow. 

I almost forgot ... wow do you remember the PAST INJURIES when you work out.  I tore the ligament/tendon on my left ankle about 15 years ago.  Therefore, I only have about 80% strength
in that ankle.  So it's awkward to stand on ONE LEG or to try to SPRING up in the air.  Trust,
it reminded me of that, once I started the video.

Okay ... time to walk the dogs.  One is on each side of me, staring me down.  Whenever I get into my WORKOUT GEAR, they figure it's time for them and NOT ME!

Be back after I do the AB Ripper.

Oh When, Oh When Will I Do Legs .... Yawnnn!

Woke up this morning on the heating pad again.  My shoulders were a bit sore; couldn't find my pain gel, so I just rubbed some alcohol on my shoulders and neck.  Definitely will ease off on the shoulder exercises today.

I watched the LEGS | BACK dvd just now ... there are all types of PULLUPS on this one as well, so I will do some strict MODIFICATION.  Think it's best for me to switch to the bands today, instead of the weights. 

Trying not to go into a SLUMP; I'm starting to miss my treadmill workouts.  After I finish this week (which is my first week), I will figure out when I can incorporate using it.  My dogs are giving me the eye as well; I've slacked off walking them (usually up to at least two miles).

My journey right now is NOT to be the next poster child for P90X.  I'm thinking more along the lines of getting BACK IN MOTION and keeping the WEIGHT OFF FOR GOOD.  Whatever comes along the way, heck .... I'll take it.

My stomach is fairly FLAT (won't be completely flat with the fibroids - another blog), so I'm not complaining.  My shoulders, traps, back, deltoids and calves are very muscular.  I'm working to CUT UP my arms and legs.  I have the size, but I want DEFINITION.  Thank God for the GENETICS and keeping some MATURE MUSCLE along the way.

Allrightee .... time to eat again (I've been up since 5:30 am); oh yeh ... I'm not following the P90X diet plan to the tee.  Since last year I've figured out what I can eat, what time, how long to burn it off, etc.  As long as I continue to DRINK A GALLON OF WATER a day, get at least 7 HOURS OF SLEEP EACH NIGHT and I DON'T EAT AFTER 5/6 PM, I'm good!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yoga - NOT! Stretch - YES!

In this lil brain of mines, I figured that I'd go back and do some more of that BORING YOGA!  HA !!!

I put the X-Stretch dvd in ... instead.  Why does this dvd do some of the SAME YOGA moves, that
made me cramp up in the first place?  Where is the remote ... skip, wth, skip, nope, skip.  Okay, there goes
something I can do (remember, I can't hold my arms above my head, for long periods of time).

Here we go substituting again ... okay ... went back to the YOGA PLANK (when I tightened up, I just came out of the pose and stretched).  This was a lil MORE INTERESTING, but still I can tell I will go to SLEEP if I'm not careful. 

Since I do know my body and I'm in the process of gaining MORE DEFINITION, more than worrying about losing weight, I can "tweak" a few of the exercises.  I will definitely do the LEGS | BACK | ABS
tomorrow and I look forward to the KENPO (( did I really say that )).  

On the SEVENTH DAY, I will rest instead of doing the STRETCH.   After viewing other P90X workouts, I found this to assist me on my chest day (( this was a DAH moment for me ... I know this, but forgot )):


Day Four - Yoga

At one time I wanted to try HOT YOGA.  After 20 minutes of this INSANELY BORING video, I almost went to sleep.  Why oh WHY, would you have YOGA after a SHOULDER | ARM workout.

I mean .... I'm just saying .... Yoga means holding poses MAINLY using your shoulders and arms.  My, my, my.  My shoulders and arms surely were not in for this today.  NINETY minutes of this. 


I will be figuring out which way to go with this!  Will I attempt to finish the rest, after I type this.  Will
I just jump on the treadmill and do my "Coastal Program".  Will I even care and just do the "Stretch" dvd or just consider this a "Day of Rest". 

I'll let you know tomorrow .... but as I look over other blogs and YOUTUBE videos, I'll leave you with this:

((( no that is not me, but I am sooooooooo feeling her )))

Just Bought A Case Of Goody's Powder

Day Three - Shoulders | Arms | Ab Ripper

Can I talk to you?  No I mean really?  Hear me when I say, this is no easy journey.  When they say "Mind over matter" .... well let's just say .... YEH!

As I've mentioned, I LOVE TO LIFT.  This time around I got out the lighter weights (5#, 10#, 15#), but I
only USED the 5#.  I can lift alot more, but until I got the exercises downpacked (form, breathing, etc.), I
let go of my EGO and stayed put. 

I had to modify a few exercises, especially the over-the-head ones.  The accident will not let me keep my arms over my head, too long.  So when I started tiring out, I just hit pause and waited for the tension and cramping to release. 

I'm not really concerned about my back and shoulder area, since I'm very defined there already.  But I must get those "Michelle Obama" arms.  I know that will be no easy task ... but I'm up for the challenge. 

The Lying Tri-Rise exercise had to be my favorite.  I truly thought there was NO WAY, I'd be able to do that ... especially after the tedious workout beforehand.  How HAPPY was MeMe, when she actually was able to do FIFTEEN ((( 15 ))) on each side, without a break.  How did I know I'd be PAYING for that lil number the next day!

Did Anyone See That Mack Truck That Just Hit Me!

Day Two - Plyometrics

Have you ever seen that commercial, "I've fallen and I can't get back up!"  Well I am now the POSTER CHILD!  Someone send me some OXYGEN and a GURNEY.

Is there a money-back guarantee ... sheessh.  I had to pause the dvd a few times, but I was determined to finish it.  I had to go put on another sportsbra, because there was NO SUPPORT with the one I had on.  I about poked my eye out.  This is not for the faint of heart.  LOL

I was so ready to stop, at the 20 minute mark.  Hubby kept walking behind me, chuckling and making all types of silly noises.  Oh, those noises were coming from me.  How about the dogs even were looking at me
like I was possessed.   Why are all the folk in the video, in the BEST SHAPE of their lives.  Hell, show me someone in my circle ... then I will be impressed that I can keep up with them (maybe even outdo them).

Now that would be some motivation!  I am SO GLAD, that the Ab Ripper is NOT today!

OMG - Just When I Thought I Was In Shape!

 (( I am actually on Day Four - just decided to start this blog ))

Day One - Chest | Back | Ab Ripper

Just when you think that you are in SHAPE, here comes this dude messing it all up.  I've been lifting weights most of my life, but I am NOT a cardio type person.  I just got a treadmill for Christmas (well actually December 10th).  I was doing so well for about 12 days and then ....

.... I get sick.  I'm down and out for Christmas Day.  I was sick till almost New Years.  Ain't that a ....
Okay, enough of that.  Being the hard-headed person I am, I decide to use 25 # weights, while doing
chest and back.  WRONGGGG!  Instead of pressing PAUSE and going to get the other LIGHTER
weights ... I continue and wonder why I can't lift my arms now.

I found out how fast you can lose your strength, when you don't LIFT on a consistant basis.  I had to
modify the PULLUPS and PUSHUPS ... but overall I got a great workout.  I have to be careful, since I was in a major accident years ago.  It left me with 52 stitches in the back of my head; therefore, because of the severe WHIPLASH, I am unable to hold my arms over my head for an extended period of time.

How about I didn't read the instructions, (yes I'm good at that) and forgot to the AB RIPPER.  Yes, I
went back to do it ... and I became a SAILOR in the process (every curse word imaginable).

Where's my heating pad, Bengay and one of my THREE massagers.   It's time to call up my chiropractor and masseuse.  OMG!